Thursday, January 14, 2010

My last whine for a while

I am so sick of taking my kids and husband to the doctor. It is ridiculous how much we have gone lately. Here is the most recent happenings: (If you are also sick of me whining just skip this post-I would probably do the same.) Hayden has had tubes in his ears for a week now. He wasn't a bad or angry kid before he got them-he just always had fluid in his ears and his ear drums kept rupturing. Since he has gotten tubes in he is very clingy and whiny. He is not the same kid. His doctor looked at him on Wednesday and said that his breathing has gotten worse and his stomach is very upset. We are hoping it is just from all the different medicine he has been on. We are giving him a few more days to see if anything changes and then, if not, we are going to look at some new possibilities. One of Jackson's eardrums started to leak junk while we were waiting to be seen at the doctor's office. The doctor said it looked so horrible he was surprised it hadn't ruptured yet. He also said that his throat looks horrible. On the way home from the doctor, I called Chris to see how he was doing because he has been getting sick. He told me that he passed out while walking home from work. I asked if anyone helped him. He told me that when he came to, people were just staring at him. SERIOUSLY-I would hope that if I saw someone pass out after crossing a very busy crosswalk, I would try to help them. I took him to the hospital. It was a very interesting drive. He was slightly delusional. He would randomly yell out weird things and he kept asking where we were. After 6 hours in the hospital and many different drugs and tests, we got to come home. He has strep throat and his white blood count was high. He had a very high fever. That is what made him pass out. On the way home, he told me that he had some weird dream while we were there. I told him about his crazy rantings and he didn't remember any of it. He is now loaded with different drugs that will hopefully get him back to his old self.
Well that is the end of my whining. If you are still reading, thanks for letting me vent. I really hope that everyone will get better in our house soon. I hate having sickies.


Alison Hixson said...

Oh Nov. I'm so sorry about all that is going on. It sounds like you have been going thru a lot. I wish I could be closer to help you out. I hope that things start looking up and that things will start to settle down for you. Good luck. We should plan a play date sometime!

Megan said...

I am so sorry. I hate that your poor family is so sick. PLEASE call if you need anything

DowdleFam said...

I would really hope that someone would help him too. People are weird. So sorry to hear about your troubles. Keep us updated!

AdamAndMelaine said...

I'm so sorry Nova! Ug. That is the worst. Sounds like my winter last year. Hope you are all better very soon!

Carrie and Nathan said...

Nova! I'm so sorry! I sure hope things turn around soon. That story about Chris is CRAZY! You have every right to vent and I didn't mind reading it at all...I feel for ya! I'll say some extra prayers on their (and your) behalf! Hang in there!

Papa Paradigm said...

Yikes! That is no fun. Hope you all get better soon.

Julie said...

Oh my crap! i didn't know that you were still having trouble even after the tubes! It is this cinderblock palace I tell ya! BLAH! I guess I shouldn't complain, your situation sounds worse than ours, although I think Branston has the same ear problem. We can't seem to get rid of the infection in his ears either...

Jessica said...

I am so sorry Nova! Robert was really sick last week too. I have NEVER seen him that sick and it really scared me. Especially now that we know he has bad high blood pressure. He passed out once too in the bathroom from a high fever. Just a question, but with all of his allergies and problems, have they checked Hayden for celiac disease? There are so many complications that come along with it. I had horrible ears and tubes in them as a child- before I was diagnosed- and my siblings had awful problems that sound similar to Hayden's. Its worth a try, its a very simple blood test to determine if a biopsy is worth even doing. I hope you find something to help your poor boy. And I hope you can all avoid getting sick for awhile!