Thursday, December 31, 2009

Our craziness

We had a fun Christmas other than the fact we were all sick at various points during the Holiday. I think that must happen to everyone. Hopefully our Hayden saga is coming to an end. Hayden has had many different antibiotics and shots to stop an infection in his ears that just won't go away. He will be getting tubes put in next Friday. That should help with the fluid in his ears and help cure the infection. Hayden has also had some issues with always being congested and he sounds horrible when he breathes. His doctor thinks some of that is because he is allergic to his formula. We are trying some new stuff that stinks even more than soy formula. (I didn't think that was possible!!) Our doctor has also told us to move out of our apartment. He thinks that the mold in it is not helping with his nasty sounding lungs. They have gotten really bad the last month or so. He was pretty concerned on my last visit. We are now on a search for somewhere new to live. We are sad because we have made so many friends and really love our ward, but if it will help Hayden, we are willing to do anything. Hopefully once we get infections and congestion under control, he will actually sleep through the night. Oh I can't wait for that!!!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Eve

We had a good Christmas Eve. Jackson woke up this morning and ran into the living room looking for presents. Apparently he didn't understand the difference of Christmas and Christmas Eve. After we broke his heart, we told him the fun things we were going to do. Here are some pictures of the boys with Santa at the Nielsen party. Hayden would not take his eyes off Santa. It was pretty funny. We are excited for tomorrow morning. We hope everyone has a fabulous Christmas!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


These pictures are horrible but here they are anyways. We went to the Christmas sing-a-long at Energy Solutions. The boys had a lot of fun. They really liked riding trax.


Chris and I were able to celebrate graduation Saturday and Sunday. The boys stayed overnight at my parents house. We went to the Cheesecake Factory Saturday night. It was delicious as always. Sunday morning we were able to see the Mormon Tabernacle Choir's Sunday broadcast. It was so beautiful and the singing was fabulous.

Zoo lights

We had a lot of fun at Zoo lights this year. The boys loved posing for lots of pictures with their friends.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Friend Party

My boys have some great friends that live in the court. We decided to draw names and have a little Christmas party. It was so fun. The kids were so cute with each other. We also had some good food which is always a plus.
Here is my group of girls. They are fabulous. They are all so willing to help and even more willing to have some fun. I think I would go crazy without them to spend the long winter days with.

Hooray for Chris

I am so proud of Chris. Not only did he just finish school, he did it while working full time, had three crazy boys, and graduated with honors on the Dean's list. I just have to thank him for all his hard work and dedication to everything he does. His is a great dad and husband. We all love him so much and are grateful for him.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Here comes Santa Clause

We had our ward party on Thursday. We are so glad it is over!! (We are on the activities committee.) Poor Hayden couldn't go because he was sick. The best part of the whole party was the look on Jackson and his friend, Jacob's face when Santa came in the room. Their whole bodies were shaking with pure joy. It was so cute. Here they are standing in line. You can't tell by the picture but they were so excited.
Chris was the photographer for these pictures. When I first looked at this picture, I was going to delete it because all you can really see is how Blake spilled water all over his shirt. Then I noticed he had his arm wrapped around Emma's. It is so cute.
Blake and Santa. The first picture that I have of him not crying while on his lap.
Jackson and Santa. Thanks Dad for being a fabulous Santa. Jackson told me later in the week that this was the "real" Santa and the others you see around are just helpers. You never know, he could be right!!! :)

Monday, December 7, 2009

Friday, December 4, 2009

The best Christmas present ever...

One less size of diapers to buy and change!!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

What do you do......

What do you do when it is 45 degrees outside and you have 2 boys crying by the door because they want to play outside? Tell them it is too cold-until they see one of their friends outside and start freaking out because it is the end of the world because fun is happening outside without them. This is a very common occurrence in our cinder block kingdom. We were freezing and we came up with a solution. I am sure that the cute girls walking by that don't have kids yet thought we were total white trash. We didn't care. To quote my good friend, Jamie: "Don't judge us, just join us."
Yes that is an extension cord coming from my apartment.

Yes, there are several extension cords hooked together because we didn't have one long enough.

Yes, we have a heater out in the playground.
I know many of you are thinking, "Yes, I would call that white trash." I also know that many of you past cinder block residents are envious, you remember the days of sitting out in the cold just for your sanity. Oh, what you would have given for a little warmth. All I can say is "Don't judge us!!!" :)

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!

I don't have very good pictures of the kids. I need to take some more but I'll put up what I have for now. We had a lot of fun with a lot of parties and trick or treating this last week. Here is my wiggly spider that won't look at the camera because there is so much going on around him.
Blake the firefighter.

Jackson the knight.

Blake is three!

I am a little behind on blogging because we haven't had the internet for a little while. Here are some pictures from Blake's birthday. Better late then never, right?

We had a fun safari birthday with friends and family.

I can't believe that Blake is already three. He is getting so big!!!

Monday, September 28, 2009

catching up

Here is an update of a few things we have been doing this last month. The pictures are not very good because they are all from my cell phone. I can never remember to bring my camera.

We went to the Children's Museum with Jackson's pre-school class. We had a lot of fun.
We went to our block party and had so much fun. Here is a picture of Hayden being so good in the stroller.
It is funny because the thing that my boys had the most fun with was riding on the different lawn mowers and trucks that belong to our maintenance crew.

Here is Blake practicing his t-ball skills.
Hayden can sit by himself and has even crawled a few times. He is getting so big!!!
Jackson is on the Rockies team. It is kind of funny to watch. All the kids tackle the ball. You would think you were watching football.
We had lot of fun at the dinosaur museum at Thanksgiving point.

The boys had to make sure to take a picture in front of the shark because their friend Phillip loves sharks.

We went to the Greek festival. It was not as fun as we were hoping it would be.
We have been to the zoo at least once a week and know the baby elephant quite well! :)

Friday, August 21, 2009

weight correction

So if you read in my earlier post Hayden weighed 16 pds. at his 4 month appt. Well I decided to weigh him again because he has already grown a ton. He is now 18 pds. What a chunker!!! :)

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Hayden baby

Hayden had his 4 month appointment a few weeks ago. He is definitely growing. He is now 16 pounds and 9 ounces. The poor kid takes after Blake and is now on soy formula. It surprised me how well he took the formula and the bottle. The hardest time he had with the whole thing was at church when he just wanted to nurse to go to sleep. He is such a sweet boy and we are so thankful for him everyday.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Summer fun

I have been such a slacker at updating my blog. I blame that on three kids and the lack of sleep they bring to my life. We actually have been pretty busy this summer and have done quite a few things. Here are a few of them that I actually remembered to bring my camera:

We went to Silver Lake and Donut Falls. We had a lot of fun. The boys had a blast climbing rocks, trees and playing in the water.

Hayden was a trooper and slept for most of the day. He is such a good boy.

Chris had to carry Blake on his shoulders most of the way. Blake could have walked himself but why when Dad is there to do it for you?

Happy 4th of July. Grandma Karren bought these cute flag patriotic shirts for the boys.
We had a lot of fun at This is the Place for the Days of '47 free day. The pictures are a little out of order. The boys had fun at the baby animal petting area.

Blake and his friend Phillip are so funny together.
Blake loved the baby goats. He kept talking about them that day and told Chris that he wanted one for a pet. I had to drag him away from them when it was time to go.

Blake has his own mind and is not willing to change it for anyone but himself. If he couldn't see the baby goats, he didn't want to see any baby animals. He decided to just play in the stream until Jackson was done petting the babies.

The boys were so excited to ride horses. They did a good job of waiting in the long line in the hot sun.