Thursday, December 31, 2009

Our craziness

We had a fun Christmas other than the fact we were all sick at various points during the Holiday. I think that must happen to everyone. Hopefully our Hayden saga is coming to an end. Hayden has had many different antibiotics and shots to stop an infection in his ears that just won't go away. He will be getting tubes put in next Friday. That should help with the fluid in his ears and help cure the infection. Hayden has also had some issues with always being congested and he sounds horrible when he breathes. His doctor thinks some of that is because he is allergic to his formula. We are trying some new stuff that stinks even more than soy formula. (I didn't think that was possible!!) Our doctor has also told us to move out of our apartment. He thinks that the mold in it is not helping with his nasty sounding lungs. They have gotten really bad the last month or so. He was pretty concerned on my last visit. We are now on a search for somewhere new to live. We are sad because we have made so many friends and really love our ward, but if it will help Hayden, we are willing to do anything. Hopefully once we get infections and congestion under control, he will actually sleep through the night. Oh I can't wait for that!!!


Jessica said...

Oh boy that stinks! And actually I feel like our apartment had a lot less mold in it than the others. We actually never used to get mold until they changed the shower pressure to high. Poor Hayden! I hope you find somewhere soon and he can feel better.

The Noble's said...

Oh, how sad. Poor babies. I hope that they get feeling better quickly. And I hope that you guys are able to find a mold free place! LOL!

Carrie and Nathan said...

Sad kiddo. I'm so sorry. It's so hard when they have those kinds of complications. Let's face it when your ears hurt...nobody's happy. Hope it all works out w/ that place in Bountiful!

Julie said...

:( Our doc told us that it shouldn't be having an effect on our children even if there is some mold but I am not convinced, although Seth is. I hope your kids will get much better after this.

Trisha said...

You would not believe the health problems that those apartments cause. (I'm 100% serious) Alyssa had so many chronic health problems while we were living there and also suffered with nasty sinus infections. I am talking like she was gettinga sinus infection every other month. It wasn't until I was picking up a prescription for her and started talking to the pharmacist about her. He realized how many antibiotics that we were picking up, and just happened to ask us where we were living. He asked if we had mold, and I said "yes" He knew right away that the mold was acting on her health.

Mold is everywhere in those nasty apartments, and when I would call maintenane about it, their solution was to paint over it. We had black mold even in our window panes.

If you can find a new place. I know that it would help. As soon as we were out of student apartments, Alyssa's health cleared right up.